New Release – Blister by Kris Jenkins

New Release – Blister by Kris Jenkins

Kris Jenkins is an English rock/power pop artist/songwriter/producer residing in France. He has over 30 years experience in writing, recording and playing live (guitar/bass and vocals) in different bands.

‘Blister’ will be out 13th May.

“The main theme of this song is about getting back up after a deception or a failure (referred to as a “Blister”) and jumping on any chances that come your way.”

“The main idea of the song – the chorus part – came to me back in 2019 so I recorded that part and then put it to one side whilst working on other songs until the start of this year when I had another listen and was immediately inspired to finish the song.”

“There’s always a sense of excitement because finally your hard work is being made available to the whole world and to me the whole point of making music is to share my efforts with as many people as possible.”
