New Release – Panda Points (album) by Dizzy Panda

New Release – Panda Points (album) by Dizzy Panda

Dizzy Panda is a DIY project by two Dutch blokes wearing a panda mask. Like all panda’s they have a light and a dark side…. They don’t stick to a specific genre and like to blend genres with a touch of psychedelic/dark (Dizzy) or retro/chill (Panda) influences.

Dizzy Panda‘s 15 track album “Panda Points” will be available March 22nd.

“Panda points refer to the number of months you haven’t had sex. This also might explain why the tracks on this album are rather sad and dark. There just was no time for love while working on the Panda Project….”

The album combines elements of triphop, pop, elektropop, EDM and even some elements of rock. The Dizzy Panda’s created a music video for each track on the album. The video’s will be available at Youtube and MusiQcast. A short preview is available here:

Dizzy Panda – Panda Points – Album video preview

The Panda Points videos will premiere March 22nd.

For those that fancy old school CD’s, a limited amount of only 100 pieces is available at the records stores in The Netherlands. A digital copy is also available at their bandcamp page.

Panda Points by Dizzy Panda


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