New Release – I Was Told by Lee ‘O Brien

After spending the last few years dabbling in and out of the music industry, Lee O’Brien took the opportunity that the global pandemic gave him to create his latest body of work. During the lockdown he finished various songs he had started to write years ago. He called producer Francis Rossi (Status Quo) and asked if he could help with the music. Together, they penned three singles for the upcoming album. One of those songs ‘I Was Told‘ will be released on May 28th.
“The song is about having the belief that you can achieve whatever you want to even when faced with negativity from others.”
“The song and album were recorded and mixed at Francis Rossi’s studio in Surrey. He also produced that album and co-wrote three songs.”
“Finishing writing ‘This Is Me‘ with Francis in his back garden with two guitars would be my most favourite memory.”